I can’t even remember what number re-do we are on, number 4 or 5, I think. We haven’t been out on the road for some time now due to some medical issues, but this year we are planning on getting back at it. So with these new plans for 2020, we are going to try a new arrangement for our Sprinter Van.
Our current set-up is 3 bunks and a blow up mattress that is designed for the back seat. We have a Dometic A/C unit that comes through the floor. The Engel refrigerator sits on top of the A/C box which is situated right behind the van’s back seat. Also, under the two bottom bunks, we have open storage. One bunk side has the electronics, like the battery and inverter stuff. The other bunk side has our dog’s bed and other random storage, like chairs, etc.
We never stay in one spot for very long. Blowing up the bed and then stowing it after, honestly, was just a hassle. I am looking for a simpler solution, one that doesn’t require me to do so much repetitive work. This go round we have a list of things that we want to try differently. First, we are going to permanently install the 4th bunk. The A/C unit is going to be removed. It never worked all that well so we are going to find a new solution. Personally, I would rather just chase the 70’s, no air conditioner needed. My husband likes chasing the 60’s, but I’m sure we’ll compromise. The fridge will have a new cubby under a bed which will slide out. Lastly, we are going to make the under bunk storage easier to access. Sounds easy enough, right?
Along side of the remodel I have a wish list of upgrades that maybe one day our van get. The first one is swivel front seats. Who would have thought that having chairs that swivel would be such a luxury. I can just imagine how much extra functioning space we could have by getting those seats. It would be like having a dining room in our van. The other luxury item would be an Aluminess Roof Rack with ladder. I’m just dreaming here.
Stay Tuned to see how this remodel goes.