Rolling With The Whitneys – A Solar Mobile RV Family

Paradise Awaits as we plan our poolside retreat

Here we are as the first day of summer has just passed, still at home base.  You might think this is so sad that we have not rolled out yet this year.  Negative my friends. We have embarked on a special treat this summer….probably started the project a little too late, but better late than never. 

The Whitneys are getting a POOL!  Woo Hoo! This has been a long time coming, like a really LONG time. You see when we moved from our primary house to the Beach House, which we like to refer to as the Banana Republic, I was promised a pool. The timing was never right to do such a big project so it always got put off. The time has now come and we couldn’t be more excited to have our very own paradise.

We may never have to leave the home base again….ha, psych.
I think this will compliment our travel life. When we travel we like to do what we call “chase the 60’s”. This means we find spots in the US that have a temperature in the 60’s. I know, it’s pretty self explanatory.  So when its super hot across most of the United States (the summer), we will be livin’ la vida loca poolside at Toolio’s Fish Taco Stand. Oh…we named our downstairs bar too. We are weirdos! Anyway, we like to travel around when other kids are in school and the weather is amazing. I think this will be a perfect combo for our lifestyle. Here Chad is wishing he could jump in.

The construction is still on going so I don’t any amazing pictures to show off yet. I do however, have a picture of me dreaming about how I will be enjoying this fantastic addition to our homestead.

I will keep y’all posted…

Any Questions or Comments…leave ’em here.