Rolling With The Whitneys – A Solar Mobile RV Family

Hey California…We’re BACK!! Maker Faire is in sight

The West seemed to call The Whitneys back. This time we skipped on over to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Chad and Jack are big time nerds so we spent the weekend at Maker Faire in San Mateo. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. It was a super cool place. It doesn’t matter what your interests are, you could find something there that you would find super awesome, be it arts, crafts, electronics, wood working, dress-up (I’m sure this is not what they would call it), food, homesteading or dancing robots. It was all there!!

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Maker Faire is explained as the Biggest Show & Tell on Earth.
This was our experience.

Occasionally, we ran into a few familiar faces!!

Here is Chad & Jerry From Barnacules Nerdgasm

Chad, Jack & Angus from Maker’s Muse

Here’s Grant Imahara doing a spot at a booth.