Rolling With The Whitneys – A Solar Mobile RV Family

Ocala, Florida has Horses, a lot of Horses!

Did you know that Ocala, Fl was horse country? Neither did we! I can’t say that I ever even imagined horses in Florida. Alligators, yes. Orange groves, yes. But horses, who knew?! 

We met this sweet gal on our way to swim with the manatees (more on that later). She was hungry for a morning snack and the kids were more than happy to give her what she wanted…Carrots! She was not playing around either. Those carrots were gone in a matter of minutes! It was a nice fun morning, but the kids had something on their minds and it wasn’t this farm animal. It was a cow, but not a land cow…a SEA COW! 

Bye Ocala Horse!
The Whitneys must Roll ON!