Rolling With The Whitneys – A Solar Mobile RV Family

A terrible cook’s non-recipe recipe

Let me first start off by saying, I am a terrible cook. I get frustrated with trying to follow a recipe if there are too many steps or ingredients. I am not very imaginative, so everything I make is pretty basic. I’m talking spaghetti, tacos  and breakfast items. That’s about all I have in my bag of tricks. Funny thing is, Chad is the exact opposite. Thank goodness for that because we would eat the same boring stuff all the time if not. Chad can whip up a gourmet meal with nothing in the fridge.

When we were camping in Tennessee a couple of weeks ago, I was tasked with cooking dinner with what we had. HA…this is a joke right?! I threw some stuff together and it wasn’t bad. GO ME! I am going to share my “recipe” with you. No measuring is necessary. Just throw it all together and make sure it is all cooked.

1 lb. ground meat
1 can red kidney beans (drained)
1 can corn (drained)
1 can diced tomatoes
diced onion
some velveeta cheese (as much as you want)  Don’t judge me 🙂
garlic powder
chili powder
salt & pepper
cooked elbow pasta

Beer or other alcoholic beverage (put this in your belly, not the pot)

Mix it all together and you have a fabulous bowl of….chili? mac? mystery mush? dump? Actually, no, NOT dump.  I don’t know why anyone uses the word “dump” when referring to food. That’s just NASTY!