Rolling With The Whitneys – A Solar Mobile RV Family

Meet the Whitneys

Chad is the adultier adult in our family.  He keeps us safe and rolling along.  Chad is usually the one who comes up with most of our hair-brained ideas that people think are totally nuts.  We like that about him.  He thinks outside of the box and makes our adventures so much fun. He is also the DJ of our Van Dance parties because you know no road trip is complete without great music to jam to.

Amanda is the mama!  I do my best to keep the children and dog in line.  Occasionally, I need to wrangle in Chad. I like to go with the flow.  I always say I will go anywhere as long as Chad drives.  Talking about myself is not my thing so this will be brief. I love my family and as long as I have them I can be anywhere and be happy.  My likes are the beach, the sun and relaxing. I love my crazy dog, traveling, the Red Sox and baseball as a whole. I also love coffee, champagne, Mexican, sushi, & pizza. Ok ok, food in general..I LIKE to eat!   So now you know what makes me tick and these are pics of me.

Maggie is the oldest Whitney child.  She is 11 years old and is just a sweetheart. Mags likes to ride her bike down the beach and create sidewalk chalk art. She likes trying new foods and restaurants. Wonder where she gets that from?!  She also likes to bake cakes. YUMMY! Maggie is a real slugger and loves to hit a softball. She says the “tink” of the bat is a great sound. Her brother and dog are her BFFs.

Jack is the caboose. He is an extremely bright 8 year old.  His favorite things to do are play legos, build robots and examine electronics. He takes apart anything with a battery just to see how it works.  Jack also loves to read.  He and his daddy share a love for airplanes. He likes to play at the beach and swim too.  Jack loves his sister, dog and guinea pig.

And then there is Stella.  She is our 3 year old Miniature Schnauzer. What can I say about this crazy dog? She is loud and wild. I believe with all of my heart that she thinks she is one of the kids. When the children are sent to bed, she follows along with them. When the kids are playing in the yard, she is right there stealing the ball from them. She likes to take long naps on the back of the sofa and thinks nothing of violating your personal space. We love our Stella Louise!